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contoh kalimat st albans

"st albans" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • St. Albans is absolutely the centre of the universe.
    Pusat alam semesta adalah St. Albans
  • Daire 2 Bed Apartment, Central St Albans St Albans website
    Resort Ayana And Spa Bali Jimbaran 5 y?ld?zl? website
  • Daire 2 Bed Apartment, Central St Albans St Albans website
    Resort Ayana And Spa Bali Jimbaran 5 y?ld?zl? website
  • Hotel Mercure Noke 4 stars, St Albans – United Kingdom
    Hotel Amanusa 5 stars, Nusa Dua (Bali) – Indonesia
  • Northwood St Albans - Repair and Maintenance Management Software is Powered by
    Northwood St Albans - Perbaikan dan pemeliharaan manajemen perangkat lunak Powered by
  • They caught up with Paulo in St. albans about 10 miles from the border.
    Mereka bertemu dengan Paulo di St Albans sekitar 10 mil jaraknya dari perbatasan.
  • The Wars of the Roses began the following year, with the First Battle of St Albans.
    Perang Mawar bermula pada tahun berikutnya, dengan Pertempuran Pertama Saint Albans.
  • Among these was St Albans Abbey, which he probably founded in the early 790s.
    Di antaranya adalah Katedral St Albans, yang diduga didirkan olehnya di awal tahun 790-an.
  • You probably think I should take myself of back to St. Albans and look for a nice husband.
    Mungkin kau pikir sebaiknya aku kembali ke St. Albans dan mencari suami.
  • It was the Romans who founded the first cities and towns such as London, Bath, York, Chester and St Albans.
    Romawi mendirikan kota-kota pertama seperti London, Bath, York, Chester dan St Albans.
  • It was sited in the southwest of the modern city of St Albans in Hertfordshire, Great Britain.
    Kota ini terletak di sebelah barat daya kota St Albans modern di Hertfordshire, Britania Raya.
  • An Arsenal XI in England two days later faced St Albans City, where they won 3–1.
    Kesebelasan Arsenal di Inggris dua hari kemudian menghadapi St Albans City, dimana mereka menang dengan skor 3-1.
  • His family could not afford the school fees without the financial aid of a scholarship, so Hawking remained at St Albans.
    Keluarganya tidak mampu membiayai pendidikannya tanpa bantuan beasiswa sehingga Hawking bertahan di St Albans.
  • In St Albans, the eight-year-old Hawking attended St Albans High School for Girls for a few months.
    Di St Albans, Hawking yang masih berusia 8 tahun bersekolah di St Albans High School for Girls selama beberapa bulan.
  • In St Albans, the eight-year-old Hawking attended St Albans High School for Girls for a few months.
    Di St Albans, Hawking yang masih berusia 8 tahun bersekolah di St Albans High School for Girls selama beberapa bulan.
  • Richard Crosby Pearce (born 9 July 1961 in St Albans, England) is a British voice actor, primarily in voice acting.
    Richard Crosby Pearce (kelahiran 1961 di St Albans, Inggris) adalah seorang pemeran Inggris, terutama dalam pengisian suara.
  • In St Albans, the family was considered highly intelligent and somewhat eccentric; meals were often spent with each person silently reading a book.
    Di St Albans, keluarganya dianggap sangat cerdas dan agak eksentrik; keluarga Hawking biasanya makan bersama sambil baca buku.
  • Course it actually happened about 200 000 years ago, but the news didn't reach St. Albans until 1956 - light's fast, but it isn't that fast.
    Tentu kejadiannya sudah sekitar 200 ribu tahun lalu tapi baru terlihat di St. Albans tahun 1956.
  • Stroud lives in St Albans, Hertfordshire, with his three children, Isabelle, Arthur, and Louis, and his wife Gina, an illustrator of children's books.
    Stroud tinggal di St Albans, Hertfordshire, bersama kedua anaknya, Isabelle dan Arthur, dan istrinya Gina, seorang ilustrator buku anak-anak.
  • 1200 – 1259), was a Benedictine monk, English chronicler, artist in illuminated manuscripts and cartographer, based at St Albans Abbey in Hertfordshire.
    1200 – 1259), adalah seorang biarawan Benediktin, pembuat kronik, seniman manuskrip teriluminasi dan kartografer asal Inggris, yang berbasis di Biara St Albans, Hertfordshire.
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